100% of your contribution goes directly to Classics 4 Kids, enabling us to:
- Provide free buses and reduced ticket prices for underserved students in grades TK-6.
- Expand our reach to even more under-resourced schools.
- Continue delivering exceptional programming that integrates science, history, and literacy
Here’s how you can empower under-resourced students through music:
- $1,000 provides subsidized tickets and transportation for an entire grade level to experience the magic of live classical music.
- $500 provides subsidized tickets for 100 students, covering an entire grade level.
- $375 covers transportation for a whole class to attend the concert.
- $250 provides subsidized tickets for 50 students.
- $100 funds program materials for a classroom to enrich their learning experience.
- $50 helps 10 students attend a life-changing concert.
Mail to:
3033 Fifth Ave, Ste 227
San Diego, CA 92103