We were thrilled to receive a proclamation from Malik Thornton from the office of San Diego City Councilmember Stephen Whitburn at our 30th Anniversary Gala declaring 10/2/22 as “Classics 4 Kids Day” in the City of San Diego!

Classics 4 Kids Day

Presented by Councilmember Stephen Whitburn

October 2nd, 2022

WHEREAS, Classics 4 Kids was founded to inspire children through the experience of live music, generating creativity, academic success, and cultural understanding through professional orchestra concerts.

WHEREAS, The nonprofit serves all students, teachers, and families with priority access to low-income and under-resourced youth to further academic advancement, personal growth, and creativity.

WHEREAS, Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is demonstrated through subsidized tickets for all and free bus scholarships for low-income schools.

WHEREAS, Music by diverse composers is showcased, and Social and Emotional Learning concepts are incorporated throughout the curriculum.

WHEREAS, Arts integration is provided by incorporating STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math), literature, and cultural exploration in conjunction with the music.

WHEREAS, Dana Zimbric celebrates her 20th season as Artistic Director and Conductor of the Classics Philharmonic Orchestra comprised of professional members of San Diego’s Local 325 Musicians’ Union.

WHEREAS, Classics 4 Kids served over 50,000 students throughout the nation during the 2021-2022 season under the leadership of Executive Director Kiran Shelat.

WHEREAS, Classics 4 Kids commemorates its 30th Anniversary Gala at The Santaluz Club with supporters and members of the education and arts communities. NOW, THEREFORE;

BE IT PROCLAIMED, by the Council of the City of San Diego, that this Council, for and on behalf of the people of San Diego, does hereby proclaim October 2nd, 2022, to be “Classics 4 Kids Day” in the City of San Diego.